Sunday, August 1, 2010

Is that your Medical Degree?

OK...let's do a sanity check, shall we? Bipolor brother has stepped up his 2nd Coming of Christ emails. Like homing pigeons, they come back to roost with me. Sometimes, it's like the 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon but it usually only takes a daisy chain of 2 to 3 friends for them to get routed to my "in" box. They are mostly the same long diatribe but there's more urgency to the language these days. Waiting on God to fulfill your grand destiny can be so tiresome. But he's God...what are you going to do?
My son is back. He's convinced that he has cancer. He's even diagnosed his stage. It's 3. Three is a nice round number. We had a biopsy done on a lump in his neck and since then, he's become Dr. Google, M.D. This is very real to him. He's just made his 2nd trip in a month to the ER, where they always patiently explain what "emergency" actually means. I've told him that they really prefer car wrecks and heart attacks. But I guess the time passes more quickly - all 9 hours of it - when your health becomes the center of attention to more than just you. How disappointed will he be if this latest round of medical roulette lands on "benign." It becomes hard to justify going through all 5 stages of grief every hour for a week. Yeah. He has never been much for suffering in silence.