Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mom's full of sh*t

My son and I are "estranged" as of 5 days ago. We have a rocky history, so this is not surprising.
He is a tortured soul and seems to be most satisfied when all others in his vicinity are also tortured. His misery knows no bounds.
I have unorthodox beliefs. I visit psychics. I read Tarot. I think it's just as legitimate as Tom Cruise's religion, if not more. When people live in anxiety and fear, take drugs for relief, refuse to take responsibility for their actions, I tend to think they've got some kind of cosmic crap to work out. When you live with them, it doesn't so much matter if it's from this life or the last one. You just hope like hell that they can work it out.
All my beliefs don't matter and all my prayers to any cosmic being don't change anything when the object of my concern is in his depths of unhappiness. He will describe his white middle-class childhood in terms so Dicksonian that I don't recognize it. I should probably stop opening emails with titles like "Mom's full of sh*t." I keep looking for a daisy to struggle up from his crap.

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